Royal Caribbean requested 2 thousand marines from Panama

The cruise line requested two thousand marines to serve as crew for the next season.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The new season begins December 7 with the inauguration of the home port in Cristobal in the province of Colon.
The administrator of the Panama Maritime Authority, Fernando Solorzano, said that the main problem in responding to Royal Caribbean's request is finding personnel that are fluent in English.

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Between October 2014 and March 2015 the payroll of employees recorded an increase of 2.4%, totaling 214,333 employees and $243 million a month paid in wages.

Spending on government payroll continues to grow in Panama, where there are already 214,333 people working for the state. Of the 214,333 staff currently employed, 192,019 are permanent, while 22 thousand 314 are employed on a casual basis. "

Growing Demand for Qualified Tourism Personnel

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Labor Contracts in Panama Increase

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As reported by the Department of Labor, in January of 2009, 20,573 new contracts were registered, 21.7% more than the same period of year 2008.

Orlando Carpintero writes in "The growth was seen in the three types of contracts for which records are kept: For specific projects, there were 2,540 new contracts more than in January of 2008; for defined time frame contracts, 269 more; and, in the open contracts segment, 859 more."
