Step Backwards in Customs Simplification

The Salvadoran business sector is opposed to the decision of President Sánchez Cerén to veto reforms to the customs simplification law, which established concrete measures to streamline foreign trade procedures.

Friday, May 5, 2017

From a statement issued by the Inter-Trade Commission for Trade Facilitation (CIFACIL):

The Trade Facilitation Commission (CIFACIL), which groups together seven production unions from El Salvador, deplores the decision of the President of the Republic, Salvador Sánchez Cerén, to veto the reforms to the Customs Simplification Law, which were aimed at advancing the adoption of concrete measures to facilitate trade and which will help overcome the stagnation of foreign trade by our country. 

We consider that it was a serious error to veto such reforms, denoting a lack of interest in implementing measures to streamline and simplify foreign trade operations in customs offices, that is to say expedited procedures, and in no way to sacrifice tax collection or customs controls. In any case, it would have been observed, thereby giving a signal of support to this type of initiative.  

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From a statement issued by the Intergremial Commission for Trade Facilitation (CIFACIL) of El Salvador: 

Plan to Streamline Regional Trade

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