The Threat of "the Cloud" for Business

The increasing trend for data storage on external servers has created new challenges that require a review of computer security policies.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The use of mobile devices and personal cloud services represent hitherto unknown challenges for the protection of sensitive business data.

"A study by Sophos revealed that 45% of people use personal services in the cloud for business purposes, although 64% felt that it generates potential risks to the company," reported

The same survey by the security firm revealed that a third of workers can carry and use their personal mobile devices at work, without any security policies governing their use. In addition, almost half can access wireless networks at work, which are usually protected by only a few passwords.

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Cloud Computing for State of Costa Rica

April 2013

In order to reduce costs in computer security the Chinchilla administration has proposed using cloud services instead of acquiring its own infrastructure.

From a press release issued by the President of Costa Rica:

On Tuesday the president of the Republic Laura Chinchilla Miranda, the finance minister Edgar Ayales and the head of Science, Technology and Telecommunications, signed a guideline for saving computing resources in the State.

Akamai Technologies Announces Costa Rican Operations

November 2012

The U.S. cloud computing company has announced that it will open a contact center in Costa Rica.

Scheduled to begin operations in 2014, the center will provide technical support and customer services to Latin America and will initially employ 50 people.

Jim Ebzery, Vice President and General Manager for the Americas at the company, said: "We believe this initiative will help us to improve the service we provide to our customers in the Americas. The goal is to provide our customers with a robust and secure online platform so that they can expand their digital strategies for mobile and data, reducing the risks that exist in the interconnected world in which we live. "

Cloud Computing

February 2012

Organizations that are unable to grow and upgrade their technologies at the speed dictated by the market, are destined to disappear.

Cloud computing technology leverages the resources of the Internet in order to save space and power on physical equipment, by moving most (or all) of the commonly used functions in the company, resulting in considerable savings in costs.

Cloud Computing: Consolidation of the Paradigm

March 2009

You will have no more concerns about the computer platform; others will do it for you and you will be able to focus on information management for your business.

The "cloud" concept, defined as an infrastructure and information software resource that is both dynamic and scalable, consolidates everything and makes it no longer necessary for each company to acquire and maintain the material resources and human expertise needed to ensure data processing.
