China Avoids Defining Key Products

The first offer by China for the FTA left 6% of tariff lines undefined, including the most important ones for Costa Rica.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The products of greatest interest for Costa Rica like coffee, beef, pork, chicken and sugar are part of the 6% of tariff lines that were included in a special basket "where [the parties] agreed to place the most sensitive products, excluded products or time periods for special allowances."

The website published: "Although the offer was described as ‘very good’ by the chief negotiator for Costa Rica, Fernando Ocampo, he also acknowledged that this 6% is what Costa Rica is most interested in, and this will have to be discussed in more detail as the negotiation process progresses."

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China Demands Better FTA Offer

June 2009

Costa Rica is offering to free a 70% of all tariffs while China demands an offer similar to theirs, which is 95%.

The new offer from Costa Rica does not include the most sensitive products for China. Likewise, the proposal from the Asian country does not include the products of greatest interest to Costa Rica, like sugar, meats, and coffee. However, China does offer an opening of 94.5% of the tariff lines.

Third FTA Round Between China and Costa Rica Begins

June 2009

In the third round that begins today, Costa Rica seeks to negotiate an agreement that would impede excessive importing of products from China.

With that end in mind, a special safeguard, which could be activated quickly to raise tariffs in the case of excessive imports, is proposed.

Costa Rica Seeks Protection Mechanism in FTA with China

April 2009

Costa Rica is demanding a mechanism from China that will allow increased tariffs on a product when national activity is threatened.

Fernando Ocampo, chief negotiator for Costa Rica, told about the characteristics of the mechanism: "It is a special volume safeguard that can be activated each year when imports from China exceed a certain volume.

Costa Rica to start consultations on FTA with China

November 2008

The Ministry of Foreign Trade started the public consultation process on the FTA with China with the various sectors of the Costa Rican society.

The first round of negotiation of the bilateral agreement will begin on January 19 in Costa Rica.

The chief negotiator for Costa Rica, Fernando Ocampo, said that next year they will have five rounds of negotiations.
